Student Services
Our purpose is to advocate for each unique student in preparation for a productive and purposeful life.
School Counselors
Leigha Patton, ext. 5410 School Counselor for Grades 9-12, Last Names A-K
Academic Support, AP Testing, Running Start, Section 504, Career/College Planning, Social/Emotional, Washington State Smarter-Balanced Testing Coordinator, InvestED fund,Graduation Requirements/Credit Tracking
Trace Prael, ext. 5412
School Counselor for Grades 9-12, Last Names L-Z
Academic Support, PSAT/SAT, AP Testing, Running Start, Section 504 Career/College Planning, Social/Emotional, Graduation Requirements/Credit Tracking, Sno-Isle Liaison, Local Scholarships Liaison
If you would like to meet with your student's counselor, please call Gay Bitts, SWHS Registar & Counseling Secretary at (360) 221-6808 Ext. 5411; or the counselor directly.
Other Support Services @ SWHS
Student Support Advocate
Claire Commons ext. 5310 - Island County Mental Health
Provides social/emotional support for students facing family/housing issues
and conflict, stress management skills, coping skills, school challenges, lack of attendance, crisis intervention, screening and intervention for substance use.
Student Assistant Professional
Marguerite Berg ext. 5416
Provides prevention education, mentorship, pro-social activities, individual and group sessions, education programs for parents, community involvement, and if additional services are needed can make referrals to other services.
Registrar & Counseling Secretary
Gay Bitts, ext. 5411
Student Registration, High School Transcripts, Report Cards, Credits, Running Start Records,
Student Services, School Profile Reports