Request for Official Transcript / Student Records
Bring a stamped, addressed #10 envelope to the Registrar, Gay Bitts in Student Services.
Address the envelope to your prospective college admissions office
The return address should be your name only - a return label will be provided
Plan ahead. Please allow 2 days for your official transcript request to be fulfilled.
Come back to Student Services to pick up your official transcript. It will be ready for mailing.
When requesting an official transcript for college applications, please provide a stamped envelope for each institution, addressed to the admissions office.
Please fax, e-mail or mail your request that includes:
- Your full name when you attended South Whidbey High School and your current name, if different.
- Year of graduation or year of withdrawal.
- Your birthdate.
- Address or fax number where you would like the transcript sent.
- All requests are processed with 2 school days.
- Fax to (360) 221-5797 OR
- E-mail to: OR
- Mail to: Registrar, South Whidbey High School, 5675 Maxwelton Rd., Langley, WA 98260-0390
STUDENT RECORD REQUESTS: Please fax, e-mail or mail requests to the address or fax number above.